Save the forests of Transylvania!

  • par: Raluca Morawsky
  • destinataire: European Commissioner for the Environment.

Transylvania's forests are the last great stronghold for wolves, bears and lynx in Europe. These forests should not be lost and the wildlife driven from their homes to provide furniture in Japan!
Holzindustrie Schweighofer is one of the biggest lumber companies in Europe and will be investing 150 million Euro for a lumber factory in the heart of the Carpathian mountains, Covasna county, Romania. They already have 4 factories in Romania with a total annual turnover of 500 million Euro (2012). They plan to process 800.000 cbm of logs annually from this site alone! 80 % of the produced lumber will be exported to Asia, mostly Japan. Existing mills in Siret and Comanesti will be supplied with raw material by the new plant too. The Transylvanian Wildlife Project urge you to sign this petition to stop yet another mega lumber plant from devouring forests within this vital ecosystem.
The Carpathians,a wonderful place,habitat for a large number of carnivores to be lost forever because of masive deforestation.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
The Carpathians,a wonderful place,habitat for a large number of carnivores,threatened to be lost forever because of masive deforestation.Read more at :

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