NBC Nightly News-- featured Lolita's pod but NOT her. Ask NBC to follow up.

NBC Nightly News: the last feel good segment was about a pod of killer whales-- The new babies, mothers, aunts, uncles, fathers, GRANDMOTHERS (85 years old)-- they stay together for life, swim 100 miles a day from birth, nurse their young, have sex, play, communicate, echo locate-- We delight in their behavior.

There is a granddaughter that they didn't mention though- Lolita. Lolita has been in the same TINY tank in Florida for 44 years.

She remembers her mother. We know this because she calls for her pod family every day. They call for her. And have for 44 years...

She hasn't swam 100 miles since she was captured at the age of 5, I believe. Eating the same dead food, the same plain blue 360º view, swimming in her own feces for 44 YEARS... still working to entertain humans. 44 years in a toilet bowl.

NOAA recently declared that pod to be endangered. She is still part of that pod and is therefore illegally confined. She is abused. And has been for 44 years.

NBC Nightly News needs to do a follow up. Plaeas sign to show your support.

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
Hi there-- I have been shopping this around to many other outlets-- Nothing has happened and I am giving up.

I think she will be released soon... Let's hope.

Thanks for signing and I won't be giving up all together-- carry on for the old girl.

Seek a Peaceful Mind
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
Nothing yet-- We need to step up the game. here is Lester Holt' FB page and NBC Nightly news.

I know it's asking a lot of you. Releasing Lolita would be a game changer for captive Cetaceans-- and possibly animals everywhere though. They are aware of this petition and issue. Lolita will get out of that tank soon.




Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Hello! Thanks for signing... over 500 the first day!! It seems to have stalled around 750- we need more I think...

Please try to get other signers-- NBC has right of first refusal. That doesn't mean I won't shop it around to other media- I will if NBC drops the ball.

Soon to be 45 years... 3 shows a day every day until just recently. Now it's ONLY 2.

This makes my soul hurt...
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Great !! -- almost half way to 500. May I further impose upon you to write to Lester Holt-- He is kicking ass at NBC Nightly News, is HOT right now, and looking to make a difference.

- https://www.facebook.com/LesterHoltNBC?fref=ts

...here is a link to the original story- http://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/its-good-one-second-baby-orca-spotted-endangered-pod-n306216

We will see Lolita in the ocean again soon. THANK YOU.
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