We Need More Room For The People Of This Planet: Have The UN Oversee The Creation Of Ocean Nations

With over population and the refugee crisis, people need somewhere to live, at least temporarily. Floating Ocean Nations would be constructed floating structures, with weighs for stability, and all the anemenities of the best nations on earth. I realize this is quite and undertaking, but the cause out ways the obstructions or possible follies. Yes, the days of conquest are over! Yet the United Nations must decide who can build, what, and where. The tallest of buldings, the greenest of nature, parks, infrastructure, homes, shops, restaurants, everything could be there! Even hilly or mountainous regions could be terriformed. Don't pass the opportunity up. We need more space, and I don't mean outer space. The idea of Ocean Nations I've had for a long time, yet realized, if not by UN decree or not justly, safely implemented, it could have been a disaster. We are far more in need of Ocean Nations now than ever before. Again, The UN would need to be very careful regarding building for who, where and what. The rich shouldn't only have the Ocean Nations. Funding should be provided for anyone in need or perhaps wants this. I don't want this to be a headache / problematic situation, but the birth or dawn or a new era. Too many structures with too many wanted locals, would be very bad and unfortunate because nothing may come of it then. In a peaceful and orderly fashion, let us make this happen! Sign for Ocean Nations, for think of overpopulation, poverty, and refugees. God Bless Us All. May we "work well together" and "get along well" to get this done and live in these new communities! I've had this idea since 19, and am now 47, and believe it is high time for Ocean Nations. Building downward into the sea is also possible. Let us be Wise, Smart, Brave, Creative, and Problem Solvers, etc. regarding Ocean Nations.

JT Burton
Devin Patrick Bovino (given, legal name)

PS - In addition, with global warming, some regions of the globe may - possibly - be underwater, so moving to the open seas may be very important.

PPS - Building or adding on to the shore of a nation or country is also possible. Japan had some success with this. Please don't pass this up!

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