Superior Farms claims that it treats its animals humanely, but a new video shows otherwise, and it is horrific.
Compassion Over Killing, an animal rights group, went undercover to record a video of the animal's treatment at a plant in Dixon, California. What they found is despicable. One worker repeatedly cuts at a sheep's carotid artery, and many sheep are still breathing after the workers slit their throat. Then, an electric stick is continually stabbed into a truck with sheep. They were trying to get the sheep to move and injured them recklessly in the process.
The images show violation after violation of the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. The act explicitly states that animals have to be “rendered insensible to pain" before they get slaughtered. Yet clearly the sheep at Superior Farms are not dying painlessly.
Sign now to demand: Superior Farms, end all abuse and mistreatment of sheep!
Superior Farms claims that it treats its animals humanely, but a new video shows otherwise, and it is horrific.
Compassion Over Killing, an animal rights group, went undercover to record a video of the animal's treatment at a plant in Dixon, California. What they found is despicable. One worker repeatedly cuts at a sheep's carotid artery, and many sheep are still breathing after the workers slit their throat. Then, an electric stick is continually stabbed into a truck with sheep. They were trying to get the sheep to move and injured them recklessly in the process.
The images show violation after violation of the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. The act explicitly states that animals have to be “rendered insensible to pain" before they get slaughtered. Yet clearly the sheep at Superior Farms are not dying painlessly.
The members of the Care2 community demand: Superior Farms, end all abuse and mistreatment of sheep!