Open Letter To Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton

**Please note: although we appreciate all contributions, this letter is for Canadian citizens only**                                                                                                                                                 
We call on Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff and NDP Leader Jack Layton to form a coalition government or legislative alliance if the Conservatives win another minority in the Spring 2011 election.

As the Conservative government has been found in contempt of Parliament, a first in our history, and has not demonstrated a willingness to work with the opposition, we do not have confidence that another minority Conservative government will offer Canadians stable governance.

We also want to see a government that represents the majority of Canadian voters. During the 2008 election 37.6% of Canadians voted for the Conservative Party. We welcome any opportunity for lawmakers to set aside partisan politics to work together on pressing issues.

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Dear Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton,

We the undersigned urge you to keep all of your constitutional options open if the Conservative Party are handed another minority on May 2nd. We do not view the possibility of a coalition government or legislative alliance as a means of wrenching power from a Conservative minority, but rather as a means of representing the majority of Canadian voters and stabilizing government.

In the 2008 federal election, 62 percent of Canadian voters voted for parties other than the Conservatives. This means that in the last federal election, 62 percent of Canadian voters hoped for a progressive government. In many cases, vote-splitting between the New Democratic and Liberal Parties allowed Conservative Party MPs to become elected in regions where there were high levels of interest in progressive politics. The Conservative Party ended up winning 46.4% of seats with just 37.6% of the popular vote.

As the Conservative government has been found in contempt of Parliament, a first in our history, and has not demonstrated a willingness to work with the opposition, we do not have confidence that another minority Conservative government will offer Canadians stable governance.

Mr. Ignatieff, it came as a disappointing surprise when we heard your announcement on March 28 that you had ruled out the possibility of forming a coalition government with other Canadian political parties. If the Conservatives form another minority this election, and given that this government has lost the confidence of the House, we encourage you to reconsider your decision to outright reject the possibility of a coalition government for Canada.

We believe that each party has its merits and cooperation between them can truly, and more accurately, represent the political beliefs of Canadian voters. We are confident that a coalition government or strategic alliance between your two parties will work well for Canada.


We, the undersigned, Canadians for Coalition

cc. Gilles Duceppe, Leader, Bloc Quebecois; and Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada.


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