Tell Bangkok Safari World To Stop Exploiting Orangutans By Making Them Perform In Boxing Matches

A zoo in Thailand is profiting from orangutan boxing where apes appear to fight for the amusement of locals and tourists. The supposed good natured show which takes place at Safari World in Bangkok has been criticised by animal rights activists who say it should be shut down. Orangutans are extremely intelligent, and the zoo is exploiting that.

It is shocking that such cruel and exploitative treatment of animals continues for the so called entertainment of tourists, Philip Mansbridge, UK Director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

A PETA spokesperson said When you see these animals performing what are uncomfortable and stressful tricks, know that they are not doing it because they want to, they are doing it because they are afraid to, often subjected to electric shocks, cigarette burns or beatings if they do not obey in training.

Orangutans are also arboreal, they swing through trees, so the act of standing up on curved feet is hard enough for them.

Many of those animals who are disrespected and abused at these tacky tourist traps were also torn away from their mothers within days or weeks of birth

This so called fun activity needs to stop NOW!

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 mois
Why is this so-called 'entertainment' STILL going on?!?

Given the appalling conditions at many zoos in Thailand, it's unlikely that the trainers adopt humane training methods. These are not behaviors that come easily to Orangutans and it's frightening to imagine how they have been made to perform these sickening stunts.

In the wild, Orangutans are arboreal animals who scale trees for miles. They're also solitary as adults -- which makes the loud shows highly stressful for the animals.
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