South Korea Plans To Ban Dog Meat by 2027, but Will This Lifesaving Law Be Enforced?

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Government of South Korea

As South Korea takes a historic step towards banning dog meat consumption, it is essential that this law is effectively enforced. Learning from the challenges faced by other countries, such as China, where similar laws have struggled with enforcement, we call upon the South Korean government to commit to the rigorous implementation of this proposed ban.

Sign this petition to urge the South Korean government to ensure the successful and thorough enforcement of the upcoming ban on dog meat consumption!

The proposed legislation, which is set to phase out the dog meat industry by 2027, requires dog farms, slaughterers, traders, and restaurants to submit a phase-out plan to local authorities. While this is a commendable move, its success hinges on the government's commitment to enforcement. The transition plans must be monitored closely, and support should be provided to those who need to adapt to new livelihoods, ensuring no one is left behind.

As the public sentiment shifts and pet ownership grows, it's time for South Korea to position itself as a leader in animal rights and welfare. This law can set a precedent, but only if it is backed by concrete actions and resources to guarantee its effective implementation.

Sign the petition to call for robust oversight and support mechanisms to facilitate the transition away from the dog meat industry in South Korea.

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