Stop Florida Power & Light extortion surrounding "Smart Meters"

  • par: Karla Boemig
  • destinataire: FPL consumers, media, local & state politicians, Safety Boards, and the Florida Public Service Commission

Emails and letters from Florida Power & Light to consumers have stated that we must comply with their demands of allowing "Smart Meter" installation or pay monies that are not in line with what many can afford. They did not share any of the known dangers or controversial issues that would at least give their customers a starting point to figure what is the safest choice for their families. Extortion is forcing money payments... and that is what they are doing by expecting payment for keeping the safer electric option we have been using right along.

Please sign this petition to ensure that FPL educates about the choice they are forcing us to make and to acknowledge that the fees they are demanding are not acceptable in this situation. Thank you for your time reading this and we hope you will share it with as many people as you can.

Further information on "Smart Meters" 

No forced "smart meters". That means no demanding money if one chooses to stay with their current and safer meters that FPL has used right along. A suggestion was made by someone that a credit could go to those who choose "smart meters" instead of the extreme penalty for those that don't. 


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