THE South African Department of Agriculture intends changing the laws regarding our animals.  It may soon be possible to eat dogs to accommodate the diverse cultures in our country.  Dog lovers and sane human beings must be informed of this barbaric intention to allow our pets to be eaten if the ANC government gets its way.  If it becomes law in our country then any dog is fair game to unscrupulous butchers and thieves, even the ones you love.  We Have to move quickly on this one because the ANC have a tendency to sneak these bills in and then say that the public never put in an objection.
We the undersigned do take exception to the fact that a law will soon be promulgated to allow for the slaughter of dogs for food, to accomodate certain cultures that reside in the Republic of South Africa. 
We hereby humbly request that such law will not be passed in the interests of pet owners and doglovers in our country.
We the undersigned thank you for taking the time to read our letter and look forward to hearing that such law was not passed. 

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