The X-Files: Fight the Blu-Ray

On December 2nd, Fox is releasing The X-Files: I Want To Believe on 3-disc DVD and 2-disc Blu-Ray.  To cash in on us faithful X-Philes, however, they're also re-releasing the original 1998 X-Files movie (actual title: The X-Files: Fight the Future) in a 2-disc set, with bunches of new special features.  But, apparently it's only on Blu-Ray.

We're getting cheated out of what should be a real treat.  Not all of us are willing to buy a Blu-Ray player just to watch this new edition of our beloved movie.

We want to believe...not to convert.  Sign this petition, fight the Blu-Ray, and let's get Fox to bring us The X-Files: Fight the Future on STANDARD 2-disc DVD!
What if you had the chance to get a 2-disc special edition of The X-Files: Fight the Future, with a bunch of NEW special features, on December 2nd?

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Well, you can't have it.  Not unless you have a Blu-Ray player.

OR...unless you sign this petition to GET FOX TO BRING IT TO STANDARD DVD!

We want to believe...not convert.  Fight the Blu-Ray!
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