The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) has proposed changes to the CCE Accreditation Standards that has the potential to drastically affect the future of chiropractic.
I, the undersigned, am greatly concerned by these changes. This is especially so given the overwhelming negative response the CCE received during the comment period and their failure to address the concerns and continue with the proposed changes.
The items in the new CCE revision indicate an attempt to move the profession:
a. Toward the Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine perspective,
b. Away from the use of the term subluxation,
c. Toward the inclusion of drug therapy,
d. Away from being a drugless discipline,
e. Toward a generalized common definition of primary care as used in primary medicine, and
f. Away from any definition of chiropractic and what a chiropractor does.
Let it be known that I do not support such changes and am requesting that the following changes be made:
1. Removal of language "or their equivalent" on page iii in reference to Doctor of Chiropractic Programs.
2. Return of reference of the term, "subluxation."
3. Return of the reference to chiropractic being "without drugs or surgery."
4. Return of language on page 26 to the definition of a Primary Care Chiropractic Physician that would cause the statement to be unique to the practice of chiropractic and not apply to any primary care medical doctor, nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, etc.
Failure to respond to these requests made by myself, a doctor of chiropractic or chiropractic patient, indicates a complete lack of consideration of the profession and public the CCE serves and will result in actions taken to ensure that the U.S. Dept of Education is made aware of this matter.
a. Toward the Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine perspective,
b. Away from the use of the term subluxation,
c. Toward the inclusion of drug therapy,
d. Away from being a drugless discipline,
e. Toward a generalized common definition of primary care as used in primary medicine, and
f. Away from any definition of chiropractic and what a chiropractor does.
Let it be known that we do not support such changes and are requesting that the following changes be made:
1. Removal of language "or their equivalent" on page iii in reference to Doctor of Chiropractic Programs.
2. Return of reference of the term, "subluxation."
3. Return of the reference to chiropractic being "without drugs or surgery."
4. Return of language on page 26 to the definition of a Primary Care Chiropractic Physician that would cause the statement to be unique to the practice of chiropractic and not apply to any primary care medical doctor, nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, etc.
Failure to respond to these requests made by ourselves, doctors of chiropractic and chiropractic patients, indicates a complete lack of consideration of the profession and public the CCE serves and will result in actions taken to ensure that the U.S. Dept of Education is made aware of this matter.
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