Stop the BLM

Recently, the Bureau of Land Management has announced that the wild American Mustangs kept in holding facilities around the country will be terminated.

Over the past 8 years, the BLM has rounded up over 75,000 wild mustangs, reducing the population by an overwhelming 40%. Their reasons?

- Wild Mustangs have no natural predators.
Then explain to me how thousands of wild horses are killed by deadly Arrowhead lightning every year? In addition, a great deal of foals are killed by mountain lions annually. Oh, and don't forget winter. A brutal winter can easily kill off an entire band, or "family" of horses. No predators, huh? If it's lions, tigers or bears you're fishing for, maybe you should take a look at the acts you have made in order to protect cows, calves, sheep, or lambs who roam the same lands as wild horses. Tax- funded hunters have made the following total number of killings so far:  

397 black bears, 359 cougars, over 75,000 coyotes, 3,907 foxes, and 191 wolves.

-Adoption occurences have declined.
Maybe it's because not many people know how loyal, strong, and overall majestic wild horses can be? If you, the BLM, were to project positive messages about American Mustangs, instead of making them appear as "parasites," people would be more willing to look into adopting a wild horse.

There are over 30,000 excess Mustangs in our holding facilities.
First of all, the large number of 30,000 was created on your own. All you are looking at is the mass amount of wild horses you have caught, and now you don't know what to do with them? Try taking a look at the teetering number of horses who still have the taste of freedom in their mouths, and then tell me 30,000 must be killed because they are "excess."

-American Mustangs are slowly starving themselves to death, due to their overpopulation methods and constant need to eat.
I would like to know what would happen to the land if you removed the millions of head of cattle in the same locations, and let the horses be. Perhaps the horses aren't the problem? I would like to see a response to the clear fact that Ginger Kathrens, who has been filming wild horses for around 15 years has NEVER seen a starving horse in the wild?

Here are some facts about wild horses you might not have known:

-Inbreeding within horse herds is becoming more and more common, only increasing the odds of true extinction.

-The recent activity of the BLM directly violates the Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971.

-Wild horses are often referred to as "feral." I'm going to make it clear that the term FERAL means "once domesticated." People need to learn the true definition of WILD before trying to put things into perspective.

-Wild horses live in groups called "bands." There are strict pecking orders in these bands, and the lead stallion, or "band stallion," has usually fought tooth-and-nail to gain his mares and position in the group. Bands are torn apart every time a round-up occurs. A band stallion can loose in 2 hours what has taken him a lifetime to accomplish.


The fact of the matter is, the BLM is attempting to kill off what was once part of the American promise.


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