Stop Smithfield Foods from Cruelty to Pigs

Pigs at Smithfield Foods live in cramped, filthy warehouses where their tails are chopped off, their teeth broken off with pliers, and males are castrated--all without pain killers.  Pigs are slaughtered at Smithfield Foods at  over 1000 pigs per hour, which is more than 18 throats cut every minute!  At such a fast speed, many pigs are still alive when they are dumped into tanks of scalding hot water.
Smithfield still uses gestation crates where sows are breed nearly immobile for the majority of their lives.  They agreed to phase out these gestation crates, but have recently reneged on their pledge.

Please sign the pettition to Smithfield Foods, CEO, C. Larry Pope, to stop Smithfield from being so cruel to these pigs.

May 6, 2011

C. Larry Pope, CEO
200 Commerce St.
Smithfield, VA  23430

Dear Mr. Pope:

It has come to light that Smithfield Foods, Inc has been cruel to their pigs in terrible ways.

Using gestation crates, where pigs cannot turn around, practically for their whole life, is cruel.  Living in cramped, filthy warehouses, having their tails chopped off, their teeth broken off with pliers, and having males castrated all without any painkillers is very cruel.

We the undersigned hope you will please change these methods of treatment for pigs to ones that are humane.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Sincerely yours,


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