Kata Tjuta National Park: 280 miles (450km) southwest of Alice Springs. Ayers Rock/ Uluru, the world's largest monolith and an Aboriginal sacred site is Australia's most famous natural landmark. Visitors may wish to make the tough 1.6km ascent to the top or take a walking tour around the rock with an aboriginal guide , learning about its fascinating with the Uluru people and its importance in dreamtime legend.
Also in this enormous park are many Aboriginal sacred sites, spectacular scenery and famous rock formations. Visit the Olgas/ Kata Tjuta, a dramatic series of 36 dome-like rock formations which stand up to 1,701ft (546m) high and cover an area of 35km and like Uluru, produce an incredible light show at sunset, with crimsons turning to rusts, and pinks to mauves.
Uluru holds deep Aboriginal significance to the Anangu people, and many stories are told as you wander around the base. You can also learn about Ayers Rock at the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Cultural Centre. Anangu Tours is also based here, and can take you on numerous tours around the base, although they do request that you respect their culture and do not climb the rock.
Ulu%u1E5Fu is one of Australia's most recognisable natural icons. The world-renowned sandstone formation stands 348 m (1,142 ft) high [863 m (2,831 ft) above sea level] with most of its bulk below the ground, and measures 9.4 km (5.8 mi) in circumference. Both Ulu%u1E5Fu and Kata Tju%u1E6Fa have great cultural significance for the A%u1E49angu Traditional landowners, who lead walking tours to inform visitors about the local flora and fauna, bush foods and the Aboriginal dreamtime stories of the area.
Ulu%u1E5Fu is notable for appearing to change colour as the different light strikes it at different times of the day and year, with sunset a particularly remarkable sight when it briefly glows red. Although rainfall is uncommon in this semiarid area, during wet periods the rock acquires a silvery-grey colour, with streaks of black algae forming on the areas that serve as channels for water flow.
Historically, 46 species of native mammals are known to have been living in the Ulu%u1E5Fu region; according to recent surveys there are currently 21. A%u1E49angu acknowledge that a decrease in the number has implications for the condition and health of the landscape. Moves are supported for the reintroduction of locally extinct animals such as Malleefowl, Common Brushtail Possum, Rufous Hare-wallaby or Mala, Bilby, Burrowing Bettong and the Black-flanked Rock-wallaby.

The Mulgara, the only mammal listed as vulnerable, is mostly restricted to the transitional sandplain area, a narrow band of country that stretches from the vicinity of Ulu%u1E5Fu to the Northern boundary of the park and into Ayers Rock Resort. This very important area also contains the marsupial mole, Woma Python or kuniya, and Great Desert Skink.
The bat population of the park comprises at least seven species that depend on day roosting sites within caves and crevices of Ulu%u1E5Fu and Kata Tju%u1E6Fa. Most of the bats forage for aerial prey within an airspace extending only 100 m (330 ft) or so from the rock face. The park has a very rich reptile fauna of high conservation significance with 73 species having been reliably recorded. Four species of frog are abundant at the base of Ulu%u1E5Fu and Kata Tju%u1E6Fa following summer rains. The Great Desert Skink is listed as vulnerable.
A%u1E49angu continue to hunt and gather animal species in remote areas of the park and on angu land elsewhere. Hunting is largely confined to the Red Kangaroo, Australian Bustard, Emu and lizards such as the Sand Goanna and Perentie.
Help us to preserve this most Sacred Site of which our indiginous community now are fightning to save Uluru from destruction and environmental breakdown by streams of unguided visitors and tourists trampling all over this site and the Govenment is planing on building a holiday Resort right there ~ how terribly deverstating this will be to this most sacred Site in Australia. ~ it's native wildlife and local indeginous community which is really the Heart of this great country of Australia.
They want to move in and build a tourist resort ~ please say NO !!