- par: Donna Young,
- destinataire: Queen Elizabeth, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (All Provinces & Tw, Governments of Canada, Provincial and Two Territor
The newborn babies are being harvested across Canada for their stem cell blood. This is being done by most doctors, midwives, registered-nurse-midwives, Registered Nurses, Family Doctors, Surgeons, Ambulance Medics, with witnessing and participation of Doulas. The method of harvesting is by immediate and early clamping (30-seconds) on the child's functioning and pulsating umbilical cord. This deprives, knowingly with the facts of evidence in the placenta, some 4 to 6 ounces of blood, of a possible 10 ounces of blood, should the baby be 9-pounds. This is 300 ml and the baby only makes 10 ounces of blood, if 9-pounds of 9-months gestation. Babies, one in sixteen are having to be revived. Should a baby die of shock the Coroners across Canada are not investigating for medical malpractice by failure of competent training and ethics. The placentas are being sold and the placenta blood sent to stem cell research. This is a criminal violation of bodily harm, and a Constitution violation of equal security of person to the newborn citizen, and discriminates by age and mental and physical disadvantage.
The rights of the mother are to be truthfully informed about the circulation system between fetus transition to adult circulation and has the right to refuse Active Management that directs early cord clamping as to the following: 1. No clamping of the cord is necessary, it is merely cosmetic, unless the cord tore or for placenta previa. A no clamped or cut cord falls off in one or two days with a perfect navel, no hernia and no blood infections. The placenta is put in a diaper and aired most of the time when the baby is sleeping. Newborns sleep 22 of 24 hours. 2. Cut Umbilical cords cause 400,000 to 500,000 deaths of babies, world wide, including deaths of babies in Western Societies. 3. Cut cords take 5 to 15 days to heal and they are at risk of slow and fast viruses entering the child's blood stream. 4. Premature babies are often early clamped because they have the most stem cells desired by the medical fields, and then the babies are continued to be blood let of 10 to 15 percent total blood volume. This happens every 2nd and 3rd day. If a premature baby dies, or any full term baby, after care of active management, the Coroners do not investigate for medical malpractice involving active management, babies dying of shock as to low blood volume after being early cord clamped. 5. Babies born by active management often have long-term health problems, such as holes in the heart, lung damage, and autism. These disorders often are latent in discovery, taking until the child is of school age, or even 7 to 9 years old. SIGNED BIRTH CONTRACTS AGAINST ACTIVE MANAGEMENT AND FOR NATURAL BIRTH EDUCATION AND PRACTICE: Mothers can have a signed birth Contract for what the doctor cannot do to her body, during the birth of her child, nor what he/she cannot do to her baby. If the doctor or hospital or birth center medical persons will not sign a birth contract, it is best for the mother to birth naturally in her own home, with only a friend being with her all the time, for safety. A birth Contract serves as waiver that the mother has been informed of active management and policies that support this process, but rejects this process for her birth, electing for the mother to be in charge of what is or not done to her body to birth a baby, for her security of person (no drugs, no cutting, no false birth positions imposed) and for the security of the baby to have full blood transfusion, not one drop of blood stopped by a clamping tool. PETITION INTERVENTION No. 1. WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO DECLARE WE JOIN AND DO SUPPORT ANY ACTION FOR THOSE WANTING STANDING FOR HARMFUL BIRTH PROCESS IMPOSED ON THEIR PERSON AND/OR ON THEIR BABY. 2. WE THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE HAD IMPOSED ON US, WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT OR CHOICES OF SAFER OPTIONS, ACTIVE MANAGEMENT, AND OUR BABIES WERE EARLY CORD CLAMPED; AND THE PLACENTA, AND FORESKINS WERE NOT DISCLOSED IF BURNED OR USED IN RESEARCH OR TRANSPLANTS. THIS WAS A BREACH OF TRUST and AN INVASION OF PRIVACY OF PROPERTY RIGHTS, BEING BLOOD AND GENETIC INFORMATION. WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO DECLARE THAT MEDICAL CARE AND TREATMENT OR MEDICAL POLICIES IMPOSED WITHOUT INFORMED CHOICE FOR NATURAL BIRTH EDUCATION AND PRACTICE MUST NOT BE ALLOWED ANY LONGER: