No Funding to Dog Killers in the European Union

  • par: Animal Advocates
  • destinataire: President of the European Parliment, Jerzy Buzek

Romania is part of the European Union but the Romanian Government does not abide by European Union Animal Welfare law/regulations yet it is still being allowed to collect billions of euros from other EU taxpayers.

Killing millions of stray dogs in Romania benefits both the Romanian Government and the thugs that are labelled Animal Control.

For a country to be seen fit to join the EU they have to prove that they are managing employment levels, and on paper these dog killers are a positive statistic, because they are classed as employed.

We ask that you remove Romania from the European Union and stop all funding until they abide by EU Animal Welfare laws and regulations.


President of the European Parliment

Jerzy Buzek
Rue Wiertz 60
1047 Brussels


Romania is part of the European Union but the Romanian Government does not abide by European Union Animal Welfare law/regulations yet it is still being allowed to collect billions of euros from other EU taxpayers.

Killing millions of stray dogs in Romania benefits both the Romanian Government and the thugs that are labelled Animal Control.

For a country to be seen fit to join the EU they have to prove that they are managing employment levels, and on paper these dog killers are a positive statistic, because they are classed as employed.

We ask that you remove Romania from the European Union and stop all funding until they abide by EU Animal Welfare laws and regulations.



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