Maximum Charges Against Man Who Beat 3 mth Old Pit Bull Puppy to Death!

  • par: A. Boss
  • destinataire: Victoria, B.C. Crown Prosecutor & Police, Victoria Animal Welfare Agencies, All concerned citizens and peoples
     Early Saturday morning, New Years Day, a three month old pitt bull puppy was beaten to death; brutally, and intentionally.
  When police arrived to the Travelers Inn, downtown Victoria, B.C., after repeated reports and complaints of a puppy crying out in pain and the sounds of someone beating it, a grusome and very disturbing scene greeted them; the puppy on the bed, unresponsive, unmoving....Bloody towels and dog feces were found throughout the suite.
The 24 year old 'man' that was arrested alone in the suite was not the owner of this sweet, innocent and helpless puppy, but was actually looking after it. He DESERVES the maximum charges and sentencing!! What he has done is absolutely, horrifically unacceptable! By his own hands he brutally, intentionally beat and killed, a helpless baby animal in which was left in his care.
According to reports, autopsy showed the puppy died as a result of multiple fractures and internal injuries.

This 'man' should be BANNED from EVER owning, or caring for, any animals; should be charged AND sentenced with the MAXIMUM penalty of the law, and undergo some serious anger/mental evaluations!!! This brutal murder must not go unaccounted for, must not go unpunished!!
We the undersigned, ask that the the full penalty of the law be exercised upon the perpetrator of this horrific, murderous act.

  We are shocked and horrified by this crime and are tired of light sentencing and letting animal abusers/killers go with a 'slap on the wrist'. Please make a stand against not only this terrible and revolting crime, but show that animal abuse and murder is NOT tolerated and will not pass without serious punishment.

Thank You for taking the time to hear our voices, I pray that justice will prevail.
A precious little life was brutally ended , help us prevent other innocent lives from being taken away by taking a stand and showing that these crimes are NOT acceptable. Thank You!

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