HELP! Please, Save us from the Crimes Against Humanity of the Yemeni President Regime

Dear Mr. Barack H. Obama; the President of the U.S.A,
Please save Yemeni People who are Sitting-in and Demonstrating in MILLIONS in All Yemeni cities against the Corrupted Yemeni Regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh since 3 months. This Regime is DESTROYING Yemen and Yemeni people since 33 years and still continue.
This man encounter the safe totally peacefully demonstration with DEATH, LIVE GUN SHOTS, NERVE GAS and PROHIBITED GASES.
Hundreds of youth and children are KILLED (and still)! Thousands are INJURED, DISABLED and POISONED all over the country.
We just struggle for HEALTH, EDUCATION, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, DEVELOPMENT, DEMOCRACY and to REGAIN our country from who ROBBED it over the 33 years.

He committed the ugliest CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

In the name of GOD, HUMANITY, JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY "PLEASE, help us against this unjust regime and push him to DEPARTURE our country immediately.

In the name of Yemeni Population: Thank you.
Dear Mr. Barack H. Obama; the President of the U.S.A,

Please save Yemeni People who are Sitting-in and Demonstrating in MILLIONS in All Yemeni cities against the Corrupted Yemeni Regime of Dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh since 3 months. This Regime is DESTROYING Yemen and Yemeni people since 33 years and still continue.

This man encounter the safe totally peacefully demonstration with DEATH, LIVE GUN SHOTS, NERVE GAS and PROHIBITED GASES.

Hundreds of youth and children are KILLED (and still)! Thousands are INJURED, DISABLED and POISONED all over the country.

We just struggle for HEALTH, EDUCATION, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, DEVELOPMENT, DEMOCRACY and to REGAIN our country from who ROBBED it over the 33 years.

He committed the ugliest CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

In the name of GOD, HUMANITY, JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY "PLEASE, help us against this unjust regime and push him to DEPARTURE our country immediately.

In the name of Yemeni Population: Thank you.
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