Global Petition for the implementation of sustainable energy production and living systems

We, as global citizens, having the right to decide where our taxes are spent, and being increasingly concerned about our taxes and research funding being invested into subsidizing unsustainable and polluting energy production methods which induce climate change (for example the coal and nuclear industries) hereby request that those tax dollars and research funds be RE-CHANNELED into sustainable energy production that will protect the planet and benefit all its inhabitants, indefinitely.
TO: The Honourable Elected Representatives of the Government(s) of our Nation.

We, as global citizens, having the right to decide where our taxes are spent, and being increasingly concerned about our taxes and research funding being invested into subsidizing unsustainable and polluting energy production methods which induce climate change (for example the coal and nuclear industries) hereby request that those tax dollars and research funds be RE-CHANNELED into sustainable energy production that will protect the planet and benefit all its inhabitants, indefinitely.

Due to Climate Change through high levels of CO2 being released into our atmosphere (and overwhelming information from the scientific community confirming this) we believe that our taxes and research funding would be better spent in reducing CO2 emissions if they were invested into clean, sustainable energy production methods and living systems.

We believe our tax dollars and research funding, which are currently spent on the production of energy for our use, must increasingly be used for the development and supply of the following sustainable energy production methods and living systems:

1. Research and development of government owned geothermal energy production.
2. Research and development of Tidal; Wind; and Solar Power energy production.
3. More Government-funded scientific investigations to support infrastructure for local, clean, sustainable energy supplies.
4. The re-installment and/or continuation and/or the immediate development of a solar energy rebate scheme and the creation of subsidies and/or rebate scheme(s) for other alternative clean and sustainable power supply systems.
5. The development of Government funding support (at all levels) for sustainable living education programs for individuals and families.
6. Improved and affordable family oriented local and national public transport, funded by all levels of Government, which remain in the hands of the people of our nation.
7. Adequate Government funding (from all levels) for the maintenance and upkeep of our existing public transport systems and infrastructures. 
8. No further privatisation of our existing rail systems and publicly owned transport infrastructures.

We also request that taxes currently spent on scientific research into polluting, toxic and CO2 producing industries be re-channeled into scientific research leading to the rapid and immediate development of CLEAN, NON-POLLUTING, SAFE and SUSTAINABLE energy production methods and living systems.

We thank you for your attention

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