Demand a Women-Friendly Criminal Justice System in Pakistan
A declaration demanding that the Pakistan criminal justice system be sensitive to cases of violence against women has been endorsed by over sixty social organizations. Add your voice by signing this position calling for immediate reform of the criminal justice system in Pakistan.
The declaration calls on government, police, and judiciary agencies to reform current laws to ensure legislation is based on principles of equality and free of patriarchal biases. These reforms include changes to police reporting and investigations, institution of independent and neutral prosecution mechanisms, and the assurance that cases of violence in rural areas will be prosecuted through official courts and not handled by tribal assemblies. In addition, the declaration calls on the government to support facilities that would enable police officers to deal with violent crimes against women more effectively.
Please sign the petition now to show that you stand with over sixty human rights organizations in demanding a women-friendly criminal justice system in Pakistan.
We the undersigned stand with the sixty organizations that have endorsed a declaration demanding that the Pakistan criminal justice system be sensitive to cases of violence against women. We ask you to reform current laws to ensure legislation is based on principles of equality and free of patriarchal biases. Further, we support the reforms listed in the declaration, including changes to police reporting and investigation; institution of independent and neutral prosecution mechanisms; assurance that cases of violence in rural areas will be prosecuted through official courts, rather than tribal assemblies; and support for facilites that would enable police officers to deal with violent crimes against women more effectively.