Care2 Spammers Must Go

  • par: Michelle Matthews
  • destinataire: Mr. Randy Paynter Founder and President -,, Inc. 275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300 Redwood City, CA 94065 Phone: 650-622-0860 Fax: 650-622-0870
The Care2 website is being over-run by marketing spammers. Action needs to be taken before the very nature of the community is profoundly affected. Please read the petition for the details.

Dear Mr. Paynter,

While we would like to extend our gratitude and praise for the wonderful, activist community you have created with the Care2 website and all the tangential functions it encompasses (like the petitions, C2NN, the Groups etc.), we are also extremely dismayed to find that, of late, it is being over-run by marketing trolls/spammers.

With almost every news post that goes up there is at least one of these marketing spammers who posts, in the comments section, a long list of merchandise for sale. Although we have the option to report these comments as "inappropriate", (an option which most of us fully utilize), they continue to pop up in an annoying, relentless and incongruous manner. Furthermore, there seem to be frequent technical glitches with this reporting mechanism that prevent the actual filing of the spam/troll report.

We understand the difficulty in keeping such spammers at bay but we are strongly urging you to find a solution to this problem, a problem that is changing the very nature of the Care2 site. Rest assured that our loyalty and appreciation is unwavering but our patience with this situation is being sorely tested.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible regarding a resolution to this situation. 


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