the smiling horse campaign

  • par: brian borg
  • destinataire: AAEP & AVMA,state veterinary medical boards
the veterinary community is attemting to pass laws that would outlaw horse dentists from doing dental work.if this happens there will be a drastic shortage of horse dentists in the USA.there are only about 70 vets in the USA that have advanced dental training so stoping horses dentist from doing what we have been doing for 100's of years will harm the wellbeing of quality horse care.
As a concerned horse owner,I endorse this letter in support of the training and testing,conscientious non-veterinarian equine dental technian's right to work in this industry as a necessary component of the health care team available to me in my efforts as a dedicated caretaker.

I believe that i should have the right to choose the practitioners whose talents,or lack thereof,will impact the overall health care management of my horse now and in the future,and do not agree that dentistry for my horse is or should be soley in the exclusive control of veterinarians,especially those who may not be accomplished in this field.
I am in favor of the International Association of Equine Dentistry (IAED)'s efforts to promote all professional practitioners, capabilities via Testing Continuing Education programs.

In my opinion,rather than seeking to restrict practicing equine dental practitioners,the veterinary associations would more appropriately inspire my trust and confidence by working towards alliance with these competent dental practitioners to enhance the welfare,as has been recently done in the UK.

I urge all veterinary associations,regulating boards, and legislative bodies to reconsider the importance of the equine dental technicians currently practicing in this country.I would perfer to have the reassurance that my equine dental practitioner has proven competency through examination by an anonymous and independent testing procedure,be recognized by legislation which would allow them to carry professional liability insurance and has a working affiliation with a licensed veterinarian.

approximately how many horses do you own/work with/train/manage.
total horses............................



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