Historic Fairview Cemetery is the resting place of over 12,000 members of the Albuquerque community. 12,000 unique life stories, some memorialized, some unmarked, some well-known, others completely unknown, but each contributing to the story of Albuquerque and Historic Fairview Cemetery.
The owners of this historic site refuse to take care of it. They refuse to allow the good people of Albuquerque to help by ignoring phone calls, emails and ignoring questions and concerns. As of right now we do not have 501(c)(3) status, it has never been filed, and our corporate non-profit status is set to expire in less than a week. Over the past 6 months Historic Fairview Cememtery has deteriorated severely! There are dozens of collapsed graves that have yet to be filled in, weeds have taken over, trees are dying, gravemarkers continue to be vandalized, moved and kicked over. How could a place that has Creighton M. Foraker, the last territorial marshal of New Mexico before it became a state in 1912. Foraker is credited with modernizing the function of the Marshal's Office and bringing it into the 20th century. Or Francisco Perea of New Mexico, who fought to keep his territory loyal to the Union and served a term as a Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives during the Civil War. Or Ruth Hanna Simms, chairman of the first woman’s executive committee of the Republican National Committee; active worker for the suffrage amendment from 1913 until the Constitution was amended; elected as a Republican to the Seventy-first Congress. Or the countless veterans from the Spanish American War and World War I.

I just signed the following petition addressed to:
Mayor Richard J. Berry mayorberry@cabq.gov Office of the Mayor, PO Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103 505 768-3000
Historic Fairview Cemetery, General Manager Daniels Family Funeral, Mark Shalz, mshalz@danielsfuneral.com 3777 The American Road NW Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM, 87114
Daniels Family Funeral Services, LLC | Subsidiary of Signature Memorial Group LLC: Brad Green bgreen@siggrp.net, Jay Dodds jdodds@siggrp.net, and Jeff Dinerstein of the Signature Group 281-974-5224
Fix/Repair/Replace Vandalized/Old Stones, Collapsed Grave repair, and Weed control in The Historic Fairview Cemetery.
For years we have personally seen the decline in care of the headstones in Historic Fairview Cemetery as well as increased vandalism and litter. For the past 2 years, many letters to the association itself, newspapers articles, etc. have been written with little to nothing being done. Every year that goes by only makes this issue harder to remedy. Isn’t it the responsibility of the owners or the historic side association to assist in the cause to fix/clean vandalized headstones etc.? Every time I visit, there are more collapsed graves with no sign of the previous collapsed graves being filled in. This is a concern as there were many deadly diseases that are a health hazard to us still today; not to mention the dangers of falling in a collapsed grave and being severely injured. Once again, the weeds are out of control and are on the verge of taking over the cemetery, just as they did back in the early 2000’s. Since recent personnel changes we have not been able to receive any support, financial or otherwise to continue efforts in the up-keep or restoration. Citizens of Albuquerque, NM and Bernalillo County, this is OUR history, our founders are buried here, how can we let their memory and resting place be forgotten? If the job was being done all along to preserve and care for those gone before us, there would not be a situation of this magnitude to fix now. Please raise your voice in getting this issue taken care of finally!
We have visited Fairview Memorial Park, Sandia Memory Gardens and Vista Verde Memorial Park that is also cared for by the same association Daniels Family Funeral , Signature Group LLC and Corporation Service Company , and there is nowhere near the amount of damage etc there. If they can care for their cemetery why can't this town care for one of its oldest and most history filled?
We, the undersigned, are looking for change. Together we shall have it. It has been long overdue to remedy this situation. Is this how we would want to be remembered? Is this how Governor Edmund Gibson Ross, Clinton Presba Anderson, or Governor John F. Simms would want to be remembered?