Several animal welfare networkers in South Africa have been and are blocked from sharing posts regarding animal welfare. These networkers are dedicated to helping with lost, found , unloved , unwanted and abused animals to try and save them. Sometimes these animals are hours away from being put to sleep in kill shelters sometimes it is their last chance at life.
To cut off these networkers is to cut off the animal's chance at life. Some people are saying that it is a person with a grudge who is reporting people for spam. Whatever the reason, this has got to stop.
We are all extremely grateful to facebook for affording us the opportunity to be able to network animals in need. Please would Facebook Admin re visit these blocked networkers profiles to see the good work that these people do.
Mettre À Jour #5il y a 9 ans
The people who were blocked when this petition started are now unblocked. I am not sure if others are still having the problem. Point of it all is that Facebook should NEVER block animal welfarists from trying to help. The system needs a change for the better.
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
We now have 926 signatures. Still no word from Facebook Admin and some of the people who have been blocked still are. This is really not acceptable at all. I understand about the spam issue and the fact that everything is computer oriented at Facebook but they could re program to not block posts with words like Dog, Cat, Animal, Lost, Found, Needs A Home. ETC.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
We are up to 697 signatures.It is being suggested that information being shared is too repetitive and content is exact . This would show as spam. Networkers need to vary the content and manner of posting.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Thank you. There are now 486 signatures on the petition. Still no word from Facebook Admin. It is unnecessary and is making things very difficult for our networkers. Please would people email Facebook and ask for answers.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Thank you for signing the petition. So far there are 210 signatures in just a few hours. I sincerely hope that Facebook Admin sees this and stops blocking our animal welfare networkers.