Protect Our Health from Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining!

"88% of the folks that we contacted that had kids at [Marsh Fork Elementary] had children with health problems. When we asked them what those health problems were, 83% of those had respiratory problems. So we thought, well, we don't have any evidence here, but we think this sets off an alarm."
- Coal River Valley, West Virginia resident
At every step of the process, mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining damages our environment and our health. When the mountain is blown up, coal ash is carried over nearby communities, causing babies born near MTR sites to be twice as likely to have birth defects than those born to mothers who regularly smoke while pregnant.
The film On Coal River follows a former miner and his neighbors in a David-and-Goliath struggle for the future of their valley, their children, and life as they know it.
Watch the film below, and then sign on to this petition to the EPA and Congress telling them that you are opposed to mountaintop removal coal mining.