She Could Barely Walk or Breathe When Rescuers Found Her. Justice for Ryder the Sweet Pitbull!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: The Connecticut Department of Agriculture's Animal Control Unit
This holiday season, a 8-year-old Pitbull mix named Ryder was completely robbed of any comfort or joy when she was horrifically abused by someone her owner trusted.

When Ryder's owner alerted rescuers that something might be wrong, they acted quickly -- and thank goodness. When they got the pup into their care, she had lost the use of her back legs, was struggling to breathe, and weighed just around 20 pounds.

After a 15-day stay in the vet hospital, during which Ryder fought to stay alive, rescuers say she is recovering wonderfully -- they even took a video of her celebrating her recovering in an adorable Christmas outfit!

But now, our attention must turn to whoever did this to Ryder and bringing them to justice so that no more animals suffer the same fate. Sign the petition demanding answers about Ryder's "monstrous mistreatment"!

Apparently, Ryder's owner had left the dog in the care of someone she thought would keep her safe. But she couldn't have been more wrong. She called the shelter, concerned that Ryder was being neglected and asking for help, so rescuers swooped in.

Employees and volunteers said Ryder's case was "one of the most extreme cases of animal cruelty" they had ever seen.

She was skin and bone and fighting for air. One of her backlegs was in such bad condition, rotting away from an abscess, that the shelter was almost positive she would require an amputation.

Luckily, a miracle occurred and Ryder pulled through with all of her limbs and is making a wonderful recovery!

Animal control officers and animal welfare advocates are already hard at work looking into what happened to Ryder to get her to such a low point, and we must band together to encourage them. Unless her abuser is brought to justice, there is a risk that other animals could be in danger!

Sign the petition urging the Connecticut Department of Agriculture's Animal Control Unit to do everything they can to bring Ryder's abuser to justice!

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