Please Stop Using Animals in “Research”, Experimentation and Testing for Coronavirus!!!! Please Use Other, More Reliable and Humane Methods!!!!

    Hello 👋,
    Coronavirus, which started in China 🇨🇳 (it is believed that it started at a wildlife “wet” market in Wuhan), has scared the world. It has caused lockdowns, shops to be closed, stockpiling and anxiety. It can kill the elderly and those with some underlying health conditions. It has caused a lot of trouble, distress and suffering, to the extent that research is being carried out to try to find a cure and/or a vaccine, with some animal “research” planned.
    However, as horrible as Coronavirus is, innocent animals should not have to suffer and be abused in order to find cures and vaccines. This whole mess started with animal cruelty, with foxes, wolf pups, bats and, possibly, cats being sold as food at a Wuhan wildlife “wet” market, it should not have to end with more animal cruelty... It is unfair for animals to have to suffer further at the hands of humans for a whole big mess caused by human cruelty to animals in the form of eating other animals...
    Do I care about the humans affected by Coronavirus? Absolutely! I care very much for the people, too. However, no amount of human suffering makes unnecessary animal cruelty right. I’m not saying animals are more important than humans, just that they are almost/as important as humans...
    Besides, there are those (including some medical experts) who disagree with animal “research”, experimentation and testing for the fact that it is said to be unreliable and dangerously bad science due to the biological, physiological differences between humans and nonhumans.
    There are many alternatives to the use of animals in laboratories, such as fake skin and organs, computer simulation, in-vitro testing, other scientific technologies and human volunteer research, any of which could be more reliable for tests than using animals.
    Please, please, PLEASE don’t add suffering to suffering. Please, please, PLEASE stop using animals in “research” for coronavirus and permanently halt all plans to use animals in “research” for coronavirus. Please, please, PLEASE use other alternative, more reliable and helpful methods instead.
    Thank you 😊.

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