Protect Canada's Great Bear Region — Stop the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project!

The Kermode or Spirit Bear — a black bear born white — is only found in the Great Bear region of British Columbia's north coast. Spirit bears, and other wildlife that call the Great Bear region home, are facing threats from the risks of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline project.
If built, the pipeline will stretch nearly 1,200 km from the oil sands of Alberta to the north coast of B.C. It would bisect the rainforest, cross close to 800 fish-bearing rivers and streams, and bring more than 200 oil super tankers each year through treacherous seas.
In December 2013, Canada's Joint Review Panel recommended approval of the proposed oil pipeline project, with conditions.
The risks of an oil leak, accident, or large spill aren't about if it will happen but when and where. And when the inevitable happens, we could see fisheries and traditional livelihoods destroyed; the habitat of whales and economically important salmon damaged; and a rare and wondrous ecosystem undone. The potential cost to life, to communities, to the economy and to Canada is beyond calculation.
We can't let this happen. The risks are too high. We must stop the pipeline.
Please add your name and stand with WWF if you agree that the Great Bear region is no place for an oil pipeline. Not now. Not ever. Not at any price.