Protect our green turtles's home! Don't let the Adani Mine destroy the reef.

The amazing Great Barrier Reef – home to turtles, fish, coral, whales, dolphins, sharks and rays – is in grave danger.
Burning coal and gas is fuelling global warming, heating the ocean and bleaching the coral reef before our eyes – all while our government approves a giant new coal mine. The Adani mega-mine would generate billions of tonnes of pollution and irreversibly damage our Great Barrier Reef.
Hotter oceans and rising sea levels alone would significantly affect the green turtles' ability to reproduce and find food, but that's just the beginning. The whole web of life is at risk. The science is clear – you cannot protect our reef and approve giant coal mines. We can choose the reef or we can choose coal. But we cannot have both. We must act now, or risk losing the entire reef within a generation.
Australians don't want this mine dug or critical wildlife habitat destroyed by a billionaire polluter.
Governments have a duty of care for life, to ensure that animals and people are not harmed by reckless development and pollution.
The decision to approve this mine sits with Minister Frydenberg. He has a choice – let big polluting companies like Adani get away with it, or listen to the community and reject this mine.
Tell the Federal Minister for Environment and Energy, Josh Frydenberg, to reject Adani's Carmichael coal mine and create strong new laws to protect our wildlife.