Wendy's still allows suppliers to abuse chickens in houses of horrors. Its published policy permits suppliers to commit blatant animal cruelty. Chickens can be packed by the tens of thousands into dark warehouses.
To inhibit chickens from walking around, many farmers deprive them of light nearly all day long. After a lifetime of misery, the birds are shipped off to meet a grim fate: At slaughter, they are shackled upside down by their feet, shocked with electricity, and cut open. Wendy's has failed to prevent these abuses.
Wendy's has ignored the public's booming calls for a better animal welfare policy and has fallen behind the over 200 brands already committed to using only chickens raised under higher welfare standards, including leading restaurant chains Burger King, Subway, and Jack in the Box. Wendy's should pledge to prohibit live-shackle slaughter and require suppliers to provide enrichments, reduced stocking density, and improved light quality.
Send a clear message to Wendy's leaders: Stop chicken abuse immediately!
Dear Mr. Penegor,
Wendy's has long been an industry leader. But by continuing to allow suppliers to raise chickens in cruel houses of horrors, Wendy's is ignoring the public's booming calls for a better animal welfare policy. Your company still permits chickens to be packed into dark warehouses by the tens of thousands.
To prevent chickens from walking around, many farmers deprive them of light nearly all day long, and your supplier policy allows this. After a lifetime of misery, the birds meet a grim fate: At slaughter they are shackled upside down by their feet, shocked with electricity, and cut open. Wendy's has promised to "consider" transitioning to controlled-atmosphere stunning, widely regarded as a more humane slaughter method, but has dragged its feet on making any real commitment.
Wendy's has fallen behind the more than 200 brands already committed to using only chickens raised under higher welfare standards, including leading restaurant chains Burger King, Subway, and Jack in the Box.
Wendy's has both the power and the ethical responsibility to reduce suffering for countless birds each year. Please take immediate action to address this issue by pledging to stop using chickens raised in cruel houses of horrors. Commit to sourcing chickens only from suppliers that do not use live-shackle slaughter and that provide enrichments, reduced stocking density, and improved light quality. Until you publicly release such a commitment, you will not have my business.
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