Don't Rip Out The Laws That Protect Our Reef

Right now a small handful of politicians — fuelled by big polluter lobby groups — is trying to strip away environmental protection so they can mine more, frack faster and dredge deeper with little oversight.
These politicians have pushed two bills through to the Senate that would destroy crucial laws that protect places we love like the Great Barrier Reef.
At the same time, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt just approved what will be one of the world's largest coal mines — the Carmichael Coal Mine. If this mine goes ahead, it will add billions of tonnes of pollution to global warming and irreversibly damage the Great Barrier Reef.
We must raise our voices against these bills now to protect our air, water, rivers, forests, oceans, and wildlife.
If it wasn't for these national environmental laws and communities speaking out, places like the Franklin River, the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu would be lost to the exploits of big polluters.
Sign today and urge Australian Senators to stand up for the Reef, not polluters.
Dear Australian Senators,
I urge you to strengthen, not weaken the laws that protect life: our air, water, wildlife and the places we love like our Great Barrier Reef by:
1. Rejecting the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015, which will repeal of Section 487 of the EPBC Act and stop communities from holding governments to account.
2. Rejecting the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bilateral Agreement Implementation) Bill 2014 which will weaken environmental protection by putting under-resourced state governments in charge of matters of national environmental significance.
3. Calling for a new generation of environment laws and a robust, transparent approvals process that keeps our air, water, wildlife and the places we love thriving.
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