Demand justice for thousands of turtles, hatchlings killed and listed for sale on EBAY!

  • par: Virginia Wiener
  • destinataire: eBay Inc. founder: Pierre Omidyar & CEO: Devin Wenig

eBay is a direct participant to the destruction of our wildlife by allowing animals, birds, turtles to be sold on its taxidermy sites for profit! eBay has some rules but they are on paper only, not enforced! eBay must STOP selling wildlife!

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 8 ans
On TURTLE DAY I would like to remind everybody that thousands of turtles are killed to be sold on EBAY's TAXIDERMY sites. EBAY has no morals, EBAY does not care that murdered turtles are endangered, that their numbers are dwindling, EBAY is promoting the killings of turtles for money! Were is Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission??? Are they doing anything to prevent the decimation of turtles?
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
FLORIDA FISH and WILDLIFE Conservation Commission!!! STOP the massacre of thousands of Florida turtles. They are killed and sold on EBAY's TAXIDERMY Sites by WORLD WIDE WILDLIFE PRODUCTS a Company located in SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA!!! In Florida, there are signs to protect the turtles, yet thousands are sold right under your nose by a SAINT AUGUSTINE CO. DO you CARE????
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Thousands of turtles are encased alive in their Lucite coffins, so that EBAY and Chinese sellers make money! More than 16,000 animals/body parts, turtles, birds are listed daily for sale on EBAY Taxidermy sites. EBAY is contributing directly to the destruction of our WILDLIFE! EBAY filter your SALES, what you are doing is ANIMAL TERRORISM! You are the wildlife butcher shop. STOP! Have some conscience!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Thank you. Every day more than 16,000 animals/animal body parts, turtles, rare birds are listed for sale on EBAY TAXIDERMY sites, wildlife butcher shop! Millions of butterflies are sold in bags of 100 or 200. The damage done by EBAY to our wildlife is huge! Please ask EBAY to STOP selling wildlife!
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