Anyone who loves the Greyhound dog and enjoys watching them compete in races for monetary gain may get great pleasure from this form of entertainment. What most do not know is the abuse and cruelty the animals endure to bring you that much joy on the track. There is so much more involved and the handlers often times have no concerns about the animals except to push them for monetary gain.
These precious animals endure heart problems, broken bones and, frequently, paralysis. Greyhound races are legal in many areas across the United States and the nonprofit organization, GREY2K USA Worldwide is fighting to put an end to these “amusing” races. Most often, these sweet dogs have to live in tiny cages that are stacked on top of each other, spending as much as 20 hours in that small confinement; no toys to play with or bed to sleep on.
A spokesperson for GREY2K USA Worldwide, speaking of one of the dogs named Gina says that "Every few days she would run out to the actual track, and if she won, she kept racing. If she lost, it's a flip of the coin. She could be destroyed, or thankfully in Gina's case, she was released to a rescue group." Many greyhounds are still born in puppy mills before being quickly tattooed with a racing number and trained to chase a small object. The spokesperson went on to say that “It doesn't take much for a greyhound to run. So somebody just thought of a way to exploit that, and that's how greyhound racing was invented. Greyhound racing is nothing less than industrialized cruelty to dogs."
We have to help these dogs and support the GREY2K USA Worldwide nonprofit organization by asking for a ban on greyhound racing. You can help by signing and sharing this petition! Be a voice for these poor, mistreated animals!!
Congressional Legislators – You need to pass a law that clearly and strictly bans greyhound dog racing throughout all of the United States. Work in support of the GREY2K USA Worldwide nonprofit organization and stop the cruelty and abuse that these animals have to endure just for money. It is cruel and unjust. Be a voice for all these animals and implement a law that bans greyhound races, fully enforcing that law and ordinance.