Save Yellowstone's Bison!

Yellowstone plans to kill 1,000 of their bison this winter to prevent them from roaming into Montana. They intend to round up the animals and deliver them to Native American tribes to be slaughtered.

Ranchers and landowners fear that bison will infect their herds with a bacterial disease called brucellosis. This fear is unwarranted, though, because there has not been a single case of a wild bison transmitting the disease to cattle.

This year's cull will be the largest since the winter of 2007-2008. Though some Native American tribes are participating in the slaughter, others oppose it. Jimmy St. Goddard, a spiritual leader in Montana's Blackfeet tribe, says the cull recalls a chapter in American history when extermination campaigns brought bison close to extinction.

Yellowstone needs to preserve our native bison, not continue exterminating them because of unfounded fears. Please sign the petition to urge Yellowstone to stop this year's bison cull!

Dear [Yellowstone park officials],

I am concerned about your plans to kill 1,000 of your bison this winter to prevent them from roaming into Montana.

I understand that ranchers and landowners fear that bison will infect their herds with a bacterial disease called brucellosis. This fear is unwarranted, though, because there has not been a single case of a wild bison transmitting the disease to cattle.

This year's cull will be the largest since the winter of 2007-2008. Though some Native American tribes are participating in the slaughter, others oppose it. Jimmy St. Goddard, a spiritual leader in Montana's Blackfeet tribe, says the cull recalls a chapter in American history when extermination campaigns brought bison close to extinction.

Yellowstone needs to preserve our native bison, not continue exterminating them because of unfounded fears.

[Your comments]

I respectfully urge you to stop this year's bison cull. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

[Your name]

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
The bison cull started this Monday with the National Park Service rounding up bison to slaughter. Please spread the word about opposition to this outrageous wildlife killing spree by sharing the petition and joining the national call-in. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and tell your lawmakers to stop spending your tax dollars on Montana's ranching industry!
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