Help Save Gorillas and Other Threatened Wildlife

Gorillas and countless other species are facing extinction due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and human encroachment. As their forests disappear, they lose essential food and shelter, face increased conflict with humans, and become more vulnerable to poachers. With fewer than 300 left, Cross River gorillas are Africa's most endangered ape. But we can make a difference.

This month, as we celebrate World Gorilla Day, say you'll stand with us to protect these and all critically endangered wildlife.

At Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), our work with gorillas spans the entire world - from the forests of the Republic of Congo to our exhibits at the Bronx Zoo, WCS's flagship wildlife park. We work with local communities in Africa to promote sustainable practices and advise on anti-poaching efforts. Our Bronx Zoo keepers collaborate with program staff in the field, sharing knowledge on veterinary care and husbandry.

By signing this pledge, you'll support efforts to:

  • Protect gorillas from poachers
  • Educate communities on conservation
  • Promote sustainable land use
  • Advocate for policies to protect gorillas' forest homes

Your voice matters. Together, we can ensure gorillas continue to thrive in the wild and protect their forest homes for future generations.

Sign the pledge today and stand with us in saving these incredible creatures from extinction. Let's act now before it's too late.
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