Please sign and share on all your media sites in an effort to ask police in Seattle not to charge a woman whose only crime was to take a dog from freezing conditions, give it food and warmth. The dog was freezing to death and she saved its life.
There is definitely something wrong with our police and judicial system. Granted, it is inappropriate to enter on someone else’s property and take what doesn’t belong to you. However, in this instance, a woman named Judy Camp spotted a dog freezing to death in a junk yard without any shelter and warmth. The right thing to do would have been to call police and animal control and have the animal removed to safety and a warm environment but Ms. Camp had the best of intentions.
I am not sure if I would have done the same thing but I surely would not have walked away, leaving that animal outside in the cold to die. Judy Camp was found guilty of obstructing justice last month in what prosecutors pursued as a dog-theft case. She was punished with a $768 fine and to serve 100 hours at area animal shelters. I do not feel this woman should be so severely punished for having a heart and saving the animals life. In fact, the owners of the junk yard, who obviously think of the dog as an object, needs to be fined for leaving their dog outside in such temperatures along with a warning for harsh punishment on a repeat offense.
Ms. Camp rescued the blue heeler, Australian cattle dog on a frigid December evening. She named the dog Tank. When taken to the Vet, it was discovered that he was not only freezing but was dangerously overweight and his vision impaired. Scarring also indicated either a botched neutering attempt or that Tank’s scrotum had frozen to the ground, the veterinarian said. The woman adopted the dog legally but prosecutors still sought charges of pet theft, making false statements and obstructing justice. At least some charges against her were cleared and all charges will be cleared from her record if her “sentence” is fulfilled within 10 months. Ms. Camp has many supporters who want to contribute to her legal fund.
I personally commend Judy Camp for her bravery and kind heart in saving this dog’s life! Please sign and share on all your media sites in an effort to ask police in Seattle not to charge a woman whose only crime was to take a dog from freezing conditions, give it food and warmth. The dog was freezing to death and she saved its life.
Okanogan District Court System in Washington – You should suspend these legal charges against Judy Camp who rescued an animal from freezing to death. The real charges should be against the junk yard owners who left their dog outside in horrible conditions without any shelter from the elements. The animal was near death, nearly blind and with scarring from improper neutering. The animal was obviously not well cared for but you punish the one who gave it a new, healthy life rather than the owner for neglect, neglect and abuse of its own dog. Despite the way she went about it, this woman did the right thing in saving a dog’s life!
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