Tell Romney: Stop Ignoring Clean Energy Solutions In Favor Of Dirty Fuel

Mitt Romney's recent "Energy Independence" plan dives head-first into the gas and oil industry. But, Romney's proposal gives renewable energy sources the cold shoulder and doesn't even mention curbing the U.S.'s addiction to fossil fuels.

A Keystone pipeline packed with dirty fuel, drilling in precious national parks, and intrusive offshore drilling sites are at the forefront of Romney's energy vision. He argues that we can be energy-independent by 2020 -- a short-term and short-sighted goal that will bury us in costs and environmental impacts further down the road.

Romney's quick-fix energy plan will pollute both fresh and ocean water, inevitably cause oil spills, and destroy animal habitats. Renewable energy has the power to create jobs and permanent and environmentally sound solutions to America's energy crisis.

Don't be blinded by short-term dollar signs. Tell Romney that his energy plan is a giant step backward for innovation, job creation, and sustainability.
Dear Mitt Romney,

The energy plan you have outlined severely neglects America's most promising fuel options, snubbing clean energy innovation while looking at dirty oil and gas with frightening tunnel vision.

Feeding America's addiction to fossil fuels is not the path to sustainable jobs, a clean environment, or a thriving economy. America is facing a pivotal moment regarding climate change and energy reform, and we cannot afford to have a commander-in-chief shirk the benefits of green energy when the risks surrounding the fossil fuel industry are so high.

Your policy outline failed to include emerging energy industries such as solar, wind, and electric. These options have the power to create jobs--and to keep creating them long past shriveled oil fields and tapped out reserves.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Stop feeding the energy crisis and start addressing real solutions founded on fuel innovation and environmental sustainability.

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