Dear Friends,
I could not believe my eyes when reading that Greg Clark has granted permission for this senseless and cruel business to take place right under our noses, we cannot stand by and let this happen without a fight.
These dogs will be supplied and breed purely for use in drug tests, this out dated and shameful trade belongs In the past, so please sign this petition and show these heartless individuals that what they are doing is a betrayal of the animals, the public and science.
The farm, owned by Yorkshire Evergreen which is part of US firm Marshall BioResources, is currently used for breeding genetically modified mice and is a transit point for imported beagles, they are clearly making great profit from the suffering and harm they cause to these beautiful animals.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said: "The Secretary of State, Greg Clark, has shown a complete lack of compassion, common sense and intelligence.
Lets put a stop to this, please take a moment and sign this petition for an extremely worthwhile cause,
Many thanks for your support,