Bank of America: Stop Funding the Climate Crisis!

Did you know Bank of America is putting our planet at risk by pouring billions into methane gas projects, cleverly disguised as liquefied "natural" gas? This isn't just about misleading terms; it's a serious climate issue. Methane is a notorious climate villain, much more harmful than CO2, and its expansion is at odds with global climate goals. Despite clear scientific advice against new fossil fuel projects, Bank of America has funneled over $7 billion into methane expansion, including projects that damage the health of our communities and our climate.

Right now, over 25 new methane terminals are slated for the Gulf Coast, disproportionately affecting black and brown communities. It's unjust, it's dangerous, and frankly, it's unacceptable.

Sign the petition calling out Bank of America for its actions and pushing for an immediate shift towards renewable energy. We can't wait for change; we must demand it.

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