Demand Chubb: Stop Insuring Methane Gas!

Did you know that insurance companies like Chubb play a big part in the climate crisis?

Well, just like your car needs insurance, fossil fuel projects do too.

Chubb is providing that coverage to disastrous projects — like the Freeport LNG and Cameron LNG methane gas terminals in the Gulf Coast — the same climate-polluting projects that could destroy your home or car, through fires, floods, and storms. You know, the whole reason people have insurance in the first place!

That's right, companies like Chubb are using their customers' very premiums to support the climate-wrecking projects impacting them. But Chubb has the power to STOP methane gas projects before they start — by refusing to provide coverage. But instead, they're pulling insurance coverage from people like you for the climate disasters they've helped cause. How does that make business sense?

So help us send a clear message to Chubb: there's no future in insuring methane gas expansion!
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