Take Action Today to End Poverty

Around the world, over 700 million people live in extreme poverty.

But poverty and inequality aren't unchangeable — they're problems we can solve with resilience and new ideas if we work together.

Extreme poverty is about more than a lack of income. It can also mean poor health, less education, or fewer skills to earn money. People experiencing poverty rarely have access to financial services like loans, and are more vulnerable to shocks, including from climate change.

To end poverty, we need to address all of these issues.

We believe everyone has potential. Founded in Bangladesh more than 50 years ago, BRAC is reaching millions of the world's poorest with proven solutions that equip people with tools, skills, and confidence to lift themselves out of poverty.

The world's biggest challenges deserve the best solutions. We've helped over 100 million people this way.

You can be part of those solutions. Join our action today so that, together, we can reach 250 million people by 2030.

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