Stop Project 2025 in its Tracks

Project 2025 is a playbook for an authoritarian takeover of American democracy. Issued by the Heritage Foundation in partnership with more than 100 other conservative groups, the policy proposals will take away our rights and freedoms.

The organizers of Project 2025 like to present themselves as champions of religious Americans. But the government embracing Christian Nationalism would suppress religious freedom and diversity, forcing people of diverse faiths and beliefs to have their rights restricted by one religious worldview.

We reject the policies promoted by Project 2025 – and we need to band together and speak out against them.

Will you tell your member of Congress to reject the dangerous far-right blueprint to undermine multi-faith democracy and religious freedom?

Religious freedom is a bedrock of our democracy – and Project 2025's extremist objectives strike at the heart of this fundamental freedom. That's why it's so important for people of diverse faiths and beliefs nationwide to understand what Project 2025 is, and mobilize to stop it.

Sign today to tell Congress to support religious freedom and vote against any bills supported by Project 2025.

To whom it may concern: 

As a person of faith, I am called to fight for the rights of all my neighbors, regardless of whether I share their specific beliefs or identity. Project 2025 is a playbook for an authoritarian takeover of American democracy. Supported by the Heritage Foundation in partnership with more than 100 other conservative groups, the policy proposals will take away our rights and freedoms. The organizers of Project 2025 like to present themselves as champions of religious Americans. But the government embracing Christian Nationalism would suppress religious freedom and diversity, forcing people of diverse faiths and beliefs to have their rights restricted by one religious worldview.

This vocal minority doesn't speak for most Americans or people of faith. A minority of individuals should not be making policy decisions for everyone based on one narrow religious worldview. The most dangerous thing we could do is to sit idly by while our democratic institutions are under relentless attack. As your constituent, and alongside Interfaith alliance, I am urging you to join me in defending our multi-faith democracy and to vote NO on any bills endorsed by Project 2025.

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