Stop the Alberta Clipper Pipeline Expansion

Enbridge recently submitted an application to expand the Alberta Clipper pipeline, also known as Line 67, which extends from Edmonton all the way down to the shores of Lake Superior in Minnesota. Enbridge wants to almost double the pipeline’s capacity, putting it on par with the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
This project would destroy huge swaths of wetlands, threatening three at-risk species - the Northern Leopard Frog, the Barn Swallow, and the small songbird called the Sprague's Pipit. The expansion would also pave the way for an oil barge project to ship toxic tar sands dilbit over the sensitive waters of the Great Lakes, threatening the essential source of drinking water for millions of people
We need look no further than Kalamazoo, Michigan to witness the lasting damage a pipeline spill can cause. The 2010 rupture of an Enbridge pipeline dumped 3.3 million litres of heavy tar sands crude into the Kalamazoo River. Approaching $1 billion, the cleanup has been one of the costliest in history and is far from over. Parts of the river are closed and may never reopen. The suffering of area residents and the surrounding environment is a tragic cautionary tale of the inherent risks of pipelines.
This project would also significantly increase emissions, polluting our air and fueling climate change, and put our wetlands and groundwater at risk. The National Energy Board is currently reviewing Enbridge's proposal. Demand that they protect the health and safety of our communities by rejecting the Alberta Clipper pipeline expansion.
Please reject Enbridge's proposal to expand the Alberta Clipper pipeline, also known as Line 67, from 450,000 barrels per day (bpd) to more than 800,000 bpd. This project would put huge swaths of Canada's wetlands at risk, threatening Northern Leopard Frogs, Barn Swallows, and Sprague's Pipits. The pipeline expansion would significantly increase tar sands development and pave the way for toxic tar sands dilbit to be shipped over the Great Lakes, threatening the essential source of drinking water for millions of people, fuel further climate change and put more communities at risk from devastating oil spills.
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I urge you to reject this pipeline expansion and protect the health and safety of our communities.
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