Support Historic Health Care Bill

The House of Representatives recently unveiled America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 -- comprehensive health care reform legislation that will finally lower health care costs, provide a public option and offer greater choice and a higher quality of care for all Americans.

But before the ink even dried on the bill, the Republicans and their special-interest friends took to the airwaves, spreading lies and misleading statistics to try and obstruct this progress.

We need your support to ensure the House health care bill remains strong! Encourage your Representative to maintain the strongest provisions and support America's Affordable Health Choices Act.
Dear Representative,

I am writing in support of America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. This piece of comprehensive health care reform legislation is critically needed.

As health care costs skyrocket, the cost of doing nothing is far greater. In fact, without reform, the cost of health care for the average family of four is projected to rise $1,800 every year for years to come -- and insurance companies will make more health care decisions.

The bill will finally lower health care costs, provide a public option and offer greater choice and a higher quality of care for all Americans. It is important to me that you ensure these critical components of the bill remain strong.

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Thanks for your support of America's Affordable Health Choices Act!

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