Sign the petition to ban live exports

"As I climbed the side of the truck and looked through the bars my eye was drawn to a calf curled up, exhausted, in one corner. She looked just a few weeks old and was wheezing terribly. She was clearly in pain. But she was worth so little that no-one would ever call a vet out to treat her."
- Compassion Investigator

The findings of Compassion in World Farming's latest investigation into live animal exports from the EU are appalling. The investigation, carried out in partnership with Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich, shows that as long as this cruel trade in live animals is allowed to continue, young calves will suffer.

For vulnerable, unweaned calves facing export from Europe to Israel and Gaza, the 4,000km journey for 'fattening' and slaughter is one of immeasurable suffering. These youngsters face hunger, exhaustion, beatings and squalid living conditions in the lead up to a brutal, inhumane death that would be illegal in the EU.

A recent ruling by the European Court of Justice said that EU legislation on the transport of animals should be enforced from the start to the end of a journey — even once an animal leaves the EU. Yet, European laws aren't being respected, don't work and aren't stopping animals suffering.

There is no justification for this trade and the only solution is a ban on live exports from the EU. Please take action and sign our petition today.

I, the undersigned, call for a ban on the export of live farm animals from the EU to countries outside the EU. The journeys cause terrible suffering and, in many importing countries, the animals are slaughtered in ways that cause immense pain and distress. This trade is in breach of Article 13 of the EU Treaty which requires full regard to be paid to the welfare requirements of farm animals. It is morally unacceptable for the EU to undermine its own animal welfare laws in order to seek to profit from so cruel a trade.

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