Just when we thought Trump couldn't get any more awful, he has thrown his support behind abusive puppy mills. The USDA used to host info about dog breeders so buyers could check they were buying from responsible breeders and shops.
Trump has taken all of that info down.
Sign now if you want transparency of dog breeders and sellers to prevent dog abuse.I had a dog who was a breeder in a puppy mill. She was an inbred papillon and once she was too old to breed, they were going to kill her. Thankfully a no kill shelter rescued her and I found her there.
When I met her, she didn't know her name, had barely any teeth, had never played with a toy or tasted peanut butter. Her leg muscles were severely atrophied from years in a cage, she was going blind and she had never been socialized. I shudder to think about her years of forced breeding and no happiness in a dark cage. No dog should have to suffer the way my Sophia suffered. The photo above is my baby, Sophia.
Puppy mills are inhumane operations where dogs are inbred to the point of severe pain and disability, then either killed, abused and bred horribly or sold as though they were healthy. The dogs in these places are treated heinously and there are very few protections for these animals.
The information that used to be available about when puppy mills did violate existing code or law was one small way of protecting those animals. Now, thanks to Trump, it's gone. Just last year, the Tampa Bay Times,
asked for information on 15 breeders that supply the Tampa area with puppies and they got 59 pages of completely redacted info and even that took 9 months. This lack of information allows puppy mills to thrive and we must demand answers.
The information on whether someone has a USDA breeding license is still available. But because violations are not public, there are many breeders with severe violations that have kept their license and there is no way for the public to know which they are.
Please sign on to demand the information is replaced to the USDA website so that we can continue to shut down puppy mills in the US.