Save the beautiful River Frome path

  • par: Simon Keyes
  • destinataire: People who care about the environment in Frome, England

The longstanding and much-loved path beside the river between Wallbridge and Adderwell in Frome has been closed (6 May) by the new owner, an out-of-town property developer

The Local and Neighbourhood plans should protect the river corridor including this path, but the developer is ignoring this. He wants exclusive access to the river. The Friends of the River Frome has submtted (June 2018) a claim to Somerset County Council for this path to be designated as a Right of Way. But we also need your support.

If you agree that continued public access to this wonderful stretch of river is important, please sign this petition and share it with like-minded friends around Frome.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 4 ans
Thank you everyone. What a tremendous response!

It would be helpful to have more evidence of people having walked the path in the past. If you can help, please visit https;\\ and download an Evidence Form, or contact

Please keep sharing the petition meanwhile.
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 4 ans
Bad news, I'm afraid. The land has been sold to a new owner, an out-of-town property developer, who wants exclusive use of this of this much-loved section of the riverside. We need to gather as much support as we can to prevent the river being privatized and local people deprived of something so precious to our town. Please share the petition around Frome again.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 6 ans
Great news - we did it! Somerset County Council have persuaded the developers to keep the path open, and the Right of Way application is looking good. Many thanks to everyone who took the trouble to make comments. It worked! Simon
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
Great news - we did it! Somerset County Council have persuaded the developers to keep the path open, and the Right of Way application is looking good. Many thanks to everyone who took the trouble to make comments. It worked! Simon
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
Thanks so much for signing the River footpath petition. We've way exceeded our initial target of 200!

If you've used the path yourself, it would be great if you could complete an Evidence Form to support our claim. Download it here: You need to send a signed hard copy to the address shown.

We'll let you know what happens.
Feel free to get in touch

Simon Keyes
07968 440684
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