Buster is a 2 year old staffie cross who was deemed to be "of pit bull type" back between November 2015 and February 2016. He is the friendliest chap and was allowed home while his owner was taking him through the exemption process, which means he wasn't seen as a risk to the public or seen as dangerous. Sadly the owner has found himself arrested and remanded in prison!

The owner is willing to sign the rights of keepership over to someone else. We also have someone willing to be his keeper and take Buster through the exemption process! The DLO and police have been helpful and are also trying to help Buster's case. But with BSL it's never straight forward.  Buster is at boarding kennels at the moment, being paid for by the owner.

Sadly the courts ordered a destruction order on Buster on Thursday 14th July 2016!

The best bet forward for Buster is to challenge him being "typed" by the DLO in the first in the first place.

Buster has done nothing wrong and should not be destroyed at the owners expense! Please sign and share our petition to get Buster OUT of kennels and into a loving home where he belongs! Thank you xx


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