Take Action: Pruitt Attacks Clean Trucks Rule
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has made a big show of claiming it's not up the agency to "pick winners and losers." So why did the agency make a decision that gives special treatment to freight companies that have chosen to use old, dirty engines over those that meet clean air safeguards?
He has released a proposal that—if finalized—would reopen a massive loophole for America's worst polluting trucks. We need to show overwhelming opposition to this disastrous decision.
Don't let this stand: Take action today, and demand Scott Pruitt walk back this attack on public health.
Don't reopen the "glider truck" loophole
Dear Administrator Pruitt,
I'm writing today with great concern over EPA's proposal to reopen the "glider truck" loophole. Doing so would give an unfair competitive advantage to these super-polluting trucks over trucks that achieve clean air standards.
Freight truck leaders invested in and now sell cleaner freight trucks and engines. Reopening this loophole could put their prudent investments--and their employees' jobs--at risk, which is why numerous trucking industry leaders have publicly opposed the unfair competition and pollution that would be allowed by a glider kit loophole.
But this policy wouldn't just unfairly pick winners and losers in the industry. It would put Americans' lives at risk. According to EPA estimates, if the glider truck loophole were left open until 2021, glider vehicles would result in as many as 6,400 premature deaths. These trucks emit as much as 40 times the pollution of modern engines, contributing to a host of respiratory problems that increase our national healthcare costs and put our lives at risk.
Reopening this loophole takes America in the wrong direction. Please reconsider this dangerous decision.
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