Tell Clorox To Stop Testing On Animals
Clorox, along with other companies, test on animals. But the worst truth is that the need for animal testing is eliminated. Science has found other alternatives to animal testing. Please see the full petition for more information.
Animal testing is a very cruel, inhumane process to find out the toxic levels of household or other products. Animal testing labs have animals like mice, rabbits, hampsters, and other animals put in cages and stocks while people put make-up on them or force them to ingest things. But not only small animals are tested on. Lost dogs and cats are also tested on. Some people known as bunchers steal pets or lost animals and give them to kennels who abuse them before they give them to animal testing labs like Clorox. Some animal die in the kennels. Others die in the labs. Also animal testing isn't accurate. Animal don't have the same toxin levels as we do. So please say no to Clorox for animal testing.